一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 4
I'Il give you an example. In my lab, we studied whether mindfulness training could help people quit smoking. Now, just like trying to force myself to pay attention to my breath, th...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 7
What does curiosity feel like? It feels good.And what happens when we get curious? We start to notice that cravings are simply made up of body sensations -- oh, there's tightness,t...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 2
This reward-based learning process is called positive and negative reinforcement, and basically goes like this. We see some food that looks good, our brain says, 'Calories!...Survi...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 3
Maybe in our teenage years, we were a nerd at school, and we see those rebel kids outside smoking and we think, 'Hey, I want to be cool.' So we start smoking. The Marlboro Man wasn...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 6
When the prefrontal cortex goes offline, we fall back into our old habits, which is why this disenchantment is so important. Seeing what we get from our habits helps us understand ...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 5
Now, she moved from knowledge to wisdom.She moved from knowing in her head that smoking was bad for her to knowing it in her bones, and the spell of smoking was broken.She started ...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)|DAY 8
Now, one current hypothesis is that a region of this network, called the posterior cingulate cortex, is activated not necessarily by craving itself but when we get caught up in it,...
一个简单的方式戒掉坏习惯(英语精读笔记)| DAY 1
When I was first learning to meditate, the instruction was to simply pay attention to my breath, and when my mind wandered, to bring it back. 当我第一次学习冥想的时候,得到的指示就...